Check out Small Groups!

Small group sign ups for this round have ended. The next round of small groups begins in September!

Sunday Groups

These groups meet on Sundays.

The Rohlack Group

Hosts: Keith & Angela Rohlack

Meets every other Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at the hosts' home.

This group will meet through July.

This group will have a shared potluck meal and will have a Ray Vander Laan study, "What Are You Doing Here?"

The Garza Group

Hosts: Tony & Leann Garza

Meets Sundays at 5 p.m. at Shiloh in Room 16.

This group meets throughout the year.

We have a Bible study, currently focused on 1 Thessalonians. Through scripture readings, commentaries, and study notes, we bring out the meaning of God's Word. We'll also have a community outreach project.

The K & A May Group

Hosts: Kenzel & Anita May

Meets at 5:30 p.m. on the first and third Sunday of the month at the hosts' home.

This group meets throughout the year.

We are welcome group that walks through the Bible together. We're focused on getting to know each other and studying God's Word.

The Riley Group

Hosts: Brandon & Kaela Riley

Meets at 5:30 p.m. every other Sunday at the hosts' home.

This group meets through July.

We're open to everyone who is looking for a church home.

Warner/Munoz Selah Group

Hosts: Mike & Barbara Warner and Chuck and Lisa Munoz

Meets Sundays at 5:00 p.m. at Shiloh in Room 11.

This group meets throughout the year.

We'll discuss that morning's sermon. Twice a month, we'll have an informal night of worship.

The Eastland Group

Hosts: John & Trish Eastland

Meets on the first, third, and fifth Sunday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the hosts' home.

This group meets throughout the year.

We'll have a fellowship potluck meal followed by an open Bible study.

The Preast and Smith Group

Hosts: Katie & Bobby Preast and Lynda & Gilbert Smith

Meets the first Sunday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at Shiloh in Room 101.

This group meets throughout the year.

We're open to anyone over the age of 60. We'll engage in a time of prayer and fellowship.

The Kent Group

Hosts: Leonard & Myra Kent

Meets every Sunday at 4:30 p.m. at Shiloh in Room 10.

This group meets throughout the year.

We have a worship service for all ages that includes singing, praying, communion, and a biblical lesson. We have a meal afterwards on the second Sunday of the month.

The Kirksey Group

Hosts: Tim & Janice Kirksey

Meets Sundays at 5:30 p.m. at the hosts' home.

This group meets throughout the year.

We'll discuss the morning's sermon.

Monday Groups

These groups meet on Mondays.

The 2nd Hour

Host: Laura Fidone

Meets the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at Shiloh in The Gathering.

This group meets throughout the year.

This is a support group for young moms to get together to encourage one another.

The 3rd Hour

Host: Laura Fidone

Meets the third Monday of the month at 12:00 p.m. at Shiloh in The Gathering.

This group meets throughout the year.

This is a support group for moms of middle- and high-school aged children.

Tuesday Groups

These groups meet on Tuesdays.

The Smith Group

Host: Annette Smith

Meets at 11:15 a.m. every other Tuesday at the host's home.

This group meets throughout the year.

This group is open to all adult women who desire connection, fellowship, and prayer. Lunch is provided.

This group is currently full.

The Early Risers

Host: Ron Shultz

Meets at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesdays at Shiloh in Room 16.

This group meets throughout the year.

An opportunity for men to meet weekly to encourage and strengthen one another through study and discussion of various biblical topics.

Wednesday Groups

These groups meet on Wednesdays.

The College-Age Group

Host: Kyle & Kinsey Thompson

Meets Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. at the hosts' home

This group meets through July.

This is a group for college-age people. Join us as we discuss questions of faith, life, and God in light of Scripture.

Embrace the Journey

Host: Erin May, Amy Clem, and Brianne Richardson

Meets Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Shiloh in Room 12.

This group meets through July.

This is a class for anyone who is seeking and wanting to learn more about the Bible. We'll be studying the parenting book, "Triggers."

The James Gang

Host: Phil Barrows

Meets at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesdays at Shiloh in Room 10.

This group meets throughout the year.

We're open to men and are studying each book of the Bible. We're currently studying 2 Corinthians. Afterwards, we typically enjoy time fellowshipping over a meal.